Chickpea Baseline and Early Adoption Surveys in South Asia: Insights from TL-II (Phase-I) Project – Synthesis Report


Report documenting the rapid strides made in taking new chickpea varieties to Central and South Indian farmers. Chickpea is one of the most important pulse crops in India, and has found a new home in the central and southern states of the country. Chickpea scientists in India’s national program and at ICRISAT bred short duration, high-yielding varieties and developed a package of practices suitable to the warmer growing conditions. They accelerated productivity growth by following the strategy of farmer preferred varietal selection, then producing and supplying the seeds of varieties preferred by them between 2007 and 2010.

Authors: , , , , , , , , , ,
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Number of pages: 107
File type: PDF
File size: 1.36 MB

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