Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) Success Story
The Tropical Legumes projects identified strategic partnerships as a way to reach women farmers. In northern Ghana, to address women’s limited access to finance, the initiatives worked with small-scale community financial institutions called Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) to extend loans to women farmers. This video tells the story of the success of the VSLAs in Ghana.
Project: TLIII
File type: External site
Chris Ojiewo, Theme leader – Genetic Gains Program, ICRISAT
Chris Ojiewo, Seed systems & Project coordinator for the Tropical Legumes projects, explains the many challenges involved in seed multiplication, why the private sector often fails to invest in these seeds, and what drives farmers to purchase seeds from the open market and not from authentic sources This video also explores what strategies are needed to improve seed supply and demand for the benefit of smallholder farmers.
Project: TLIII
File type: External site