Resource Center
This Resource Center collates a large number of publications related to the Tropical Legumes projects. A summary provides a quick overview of each resource and a longer description is included when you click on the ‘Read more’ button. You can use the ‘Search’ field on the left or use the drop-down menus and the ‘Submit’ button to narrow down your search.
TLII Bulletin of Tropical Legumes, Issue 4
Issue 4 of the Bulletin of Tropical Legumes, a monthly publication of the Tropical Legumes II project. This issue reports on activities and highlights progress in April 2011.
Project: TLII
File type: PDF (2.93 MB)
TLII Bulletin of Tropical Legumes, Issue 1–3
Combined issue 1–3 of the Bulletin of Tropical Legumes, a monthly publication of the Tropical Legumes II project. This issue reports on activities and highlights progress in January, February, and March 2011.
Project: TLII
File type: PDF (2.84 MB)
A systems and partnership approach to agricultural research for development – Lessons from Ethiopia
A paper presenting a methodology based on the innovation systems approach that has been used in Ethiopia to facilitate agricultural innovations and the diffusion of new technologies, illustrated with experiences in scaling up three grain legumes.
Project: TLII
File type: External site
Chickpea Seed Production Manual
This manual provides comprehensive information on improved seed production technologies for growing a healthy seed crop of chickpea and storage of chickpea seed. The manual will be useful to all chickpea seed growers involved in formal and informal seed systems.
Project: TLII
File type: PDF (1.46 MB)
Improvement in grain and fodder yields of cowpea genotypes representing four decades of breeding in the Nigerian Sudan savannas
This paper presents the findings of a field study conducted to determine the rate of genetic improvement in the grain and fodder yields of cowpea genotypes developed in the Nigerian Sudan savannas from 1970 to 2004.
Project: TLII
File type: PDF (312.71 KB)
Overview of groundnut research in Uganda: past, present and future
This study provides an overview of research undertaken by the groundnut department at the National Semi-Arid Research Resources Institute (NaSARRI) which targets cultivar development, maintenance and conservation through germplasm collection, characterization, evaluation, breeding, maintenance and the generation of appropriate crop management technologies for sustained production.
Project: TLII
File type: PDF (133.52 KB)
Improving Common Bean Productivity: An Analysis of Socioeconomic Factors in Ethiopia and Eastern Kenya – Baseline Research Report
Baseline report summarizing research and systematically assessing the smallholder farmer context and the constraints that hinder common bean productivity improvements in Eastern Kenya and Ethiopia.
Project: TLII
File type: PDF (1.92 MB)
Global soybean marketing and trade: A situation and outlook analysis
Book chapter analyzing the dramatic changes in global soybean production and trade in recent years, and examining the factors and constraints that will determine major future dynamics.
Project: TLII
File type: External site
Potential of triple and double cropping with and without irrigation in the Sudan and Northern Guinea Savanna Zones of West Africa
The rapid increase in population and consequent pressure for food is driving agriculture towards greater intensification in West Africa. Various options including double and triple cropping, with and without irrigation, have to be employed for intensification to succeed. Double and triple cropping options with irrigation in Sudan and Sahel savannas and without irrigation in the northern Guinea savanna zones of West Africa were explored as possible options for intensification in these areas.
Project: TLII
File type: External site
Lessons from Two Years of Tropical Legumes II: Second Annual Review and Planning Meeting 16–20 November 2009, Bamako, Mali
Lessons from two years of the Tropical Legumes II Project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), which aims to bring about significant increases in the productivity and production of tropical legumes to improve farmers’ income, nutrition quality, and livelihoods in the drought-prone areas of SSA and South SA.
Project: TLII
File type: PDF (2.18 MB)