Enhancing Smallholder Farmers’ Access to Seed of Improved Legume Varieties Through Multi-stakeholder Platforms (Impacts of Cowpea Innovation Platforms in Sustaining TL III Project Gains in Ghana: Chapter 12 of 14)
The aim of this book is to share with the wider research, development and scientific communities, the experiences of TL III in facilitating smallholder farmers’ access to seed of improved legume varieties through innovation platforms in seven developing countries for the past 12 years. This is Chapter 12, “Impacts of Cowpea Innovation Platforms in Sustaining TL III Project Gains in Ghana”.
Authors: Abdul Razak Mohammed, Bashiru Haruna, Benjamin Karikari, Desmond Adobaba, Ibrahim K. D. Atokple, Julius Yirzagla, Mohammed Haruna
Project: TLIII
Country: Ghana
Crop: Cowpea
Type of resource: Book chapter
Date produced: 2021
Number of pages: 12
File type: PDF
File size: 358.10 KB

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