Voices & Lessons from Field: Tropical Legumes III
Large presentation featuring highlights and stories from the first two years of TLIII. Effective also as a stand-alone publication.
Evidence and Determinants of Gender Gaps in Legume Production: What Can We Learn from Existing TL-2 Data Set
A report on gender gaps in legume production in Malawi and Tanzania. The report analyzes panel data collected in 2008, 2010, and 2013 in Malawi, and 2008 and 2010 in Tanzania.
TLII Bulletin of Tropical Legumes, Issue 23
Issue 23 of the Bulletin of Tropical Legumes, a monthly publication of the Tropical Legumes II project. This issue reports on activities and highlights progress in 2014 with a special focus on women groundnut seed producers and processors in Niger.